Charlie Phillips – How Great Thou Art

Fifty Years Of African Caribbean Funerals In London
Paperback / softback
Charlie Phillips – How Great Thou Art: Fifty Years Of African Caribbean Funerals In London
Publisher: Photofusion Educational Trust
Dimensions: 300 x 240 mm
Pages: 130
£ 25.00

How Great Thou Art is a sensitive photographic documentary of the social and emotional traditions that surround death in London’s African Caribbean community.


The title for this book and exhibition is borrowed from the popular hymn sung at funerals. The song How Great Thou Art praises the life of an individual, and this project is a declaration of love and celebration for the traditions and cultures of the African diaspora in London.


In his time attending and photographing funerals in his community Charlie has witnessed huge changes and emerging traditions in burial and mourning practices. From the disappearance of bodies lying on dining room tables, to the establishment of black funeral directors and the booming business of burying and celebrating the dead.


How Great Thou Art represents a lifetimes work by Charlie, and the book presents you with a rare opportunity to engage with, learn from, and celebrate these rapidly changing mourning traditions and practices London’s African Caribbean community.